Friday, January 4, 2013


Buddhism, Hinduism,Judaism, over 3000 years old, Christianity,2000 years, the prophet Mohamed was around...about 1500 years back.
From ancient times through the dark ages after the great Roman culture many battles,wars  and conflicts have been waged, lost and won in the name of religion.

And finally in a conquest for space, land, territory and new political ideals and believes, in the last century alone it is estimated that more than 250 million people lost their lives  being involved in wars between nations, mostly lead by intelligent leaders with inflexible egos and believes sending their citizens into horrendous battles with incredible loss of life and suffering.

Today, some of this goes on. A number of North African rim states and countries are trying hard to achieve a degree of freedom for their people and rid themselves of their entrenched dictators. Some with a degree of success, others still struggling or not knowing where this will eventually take them.

The year is 2013. It is estimated that the earth is supporting about 7 billion inhabitants at this time. If we could accept the lifestyle and conditions of people living in Bangladesh or Haiti experts claim that up to 17 billion may be able to survive. If on the other hand the average individual on this earth would demand to live in the style of the average North American or European the World can only support about 1 and one half billion. ( Remember...present population level is already at 7 billion).

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