Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bilderberg is another secret society...useful,making positive changes to the world?
The G 8 Membercountries
Deutschland Germany357.000 km²82,3 M
Frankreich France643.000 km²64,1M
Italien301.000 km²58,1 M
Japan378.000 km²127,1 M
Kanada Canada9.985.000 km²33,5 M
Russische Russia17.098.000 km²140,0M
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika USA9.827.000 km²307,2M
Vereinigtes Königreich UKBritische Inseln244.000 km²61,1M

The above
details were provided by Sven Klaus....the figures after the km2 are the current population estimates of the respective countries in millions. (M).Total....under a billion or about 23% of the world population.
Now my  comments:
I think the Americans started this G thing, they and the British, kind of an Anglo American effort to take control of the world...neo kapitaslisic effort.
They pretty well had to add France....and the former enemies Germany and Japan as they represented the quickly re-emerging new industrial powers and capital states.
And that was the G-5, a powerful financial club.For good measure and to add a couple of partners...not sure why...our beloved Canada and Italy ( Italy?) joined the group.And that was it...the G7.
More recently after they totally dumped communism (and in the process lost a few substantial components of the country), the former Soviet union joined the club as the Russian Federation. G8 then...and that's sort of my view of the exclusive club, the G8.
I would imagine that China, India and most likely Brasil will be the next two or three countries to be added...

The G20 is a horse of a different colour it was a group established to meet with a number of finance ministers,financial movers and shakers of a number of countries even Saudi Arabia is included.The figure 20 apparently is not fact about 40 countries are represented.

The Bilderberg thing...a group of between 120 and 150 rich and powerful folks decided to get together and try to effect the future of the world financially...I believe the Euro came out of this. The club...has not included Japan so far...they are a bit on the secretive side and it appears that its mostly an Anglo-American and friends thing. Go figure. This year,they are meeting in Switzerland.This group first got together in 1954.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Secret Genie within your mind

will enable you to live the life of your dreams once you learn how to
summon and command it!
Do you want to learn how to unleash the genie of your mind?
Do you want to know how to use your imagination and thoughts to transform your desires into reality?
Do you want to know how positive thoughts can enhance your relationships?
Do you want to find out how your mental images can make you more money and bring you unlimited success?
"All riches have their origin in mind. Wealth is in ideas - not money.
Call It what you will, it is there - all unknown to most of us a sleeping Giant who, aroused, can carry us on to fame and fortune almost overnight. A Genie-of-the-Brain more powerful, more the servant of every right wish.
Health and happiness, power and riches, lie ready to Its hand. You have but to wake It to command It, to get of It what you will. It is part of you yet Its power is limitless. It is Mind Thought Idea. What electricity is to power, this Subliminal Mind is to you ordinary, everyday, conscious self. You cannot see It, but you can feel It, use It, develop It.

For those ancient Wise Men uncovered certain truths that we, with all our education, have overlooked or forgotten. Present day psychologists and metaphysicians are "re-discovering" them and shouting them to the world as something new and wonderful.
They are wonderful—but they are not new. They were ancient when Jesus came into the world. But mankind is only now beginning to get a glimmering of their power.
When Churches were founded, based on mental healing, people laughed. But these churches have grown, and the number of successful followers of the new psychology doubles continually—all because they show actual results!

What is the law back of all this? When drugs fail, is there a force we can call upon to restore health and strength? When our money is gone, when creditors are hounding us until there seems no way out, is there a power that can open up hidden channels of riches, uncover treasures we never dreamed of?
The Wise Men of the East taught that there is. Psychologists today are re-discovering the truth of their teachings. And ordinary men like you and me are proving it.
Well, that prompter is just as potent a helper in sickness or in business as in sudden emergencies if only you learn to call upon him.

What, in your opinion, is the most significant discovery of this modern age? The finding of dinosaur eggs on the plains of Mongolia, laid—so scientists assert—some 10,000,000 years ago? The unearthing of the Tomb of Tut an kh-Amen, with its matchless specimens of a bygone civilization? The radioactive time clock by which Professor Lane of Tufts College estimates the age of the earth at 1,250,000,000 years? Wireless? The Aeroplane? Man-made thunderbolts? No—not any of these. The really significant thing about them is that from all this vast research, from the study of all these bygone ages, men are for the first time beginning to get an understanding of that “Life Principle” which—somehow, some way—was brought to this earth thousands or millions of years ago. They are beginning to get an inkling of the infinite power it puts in their hands—to glimpse the untold possibilities it opens up.

This is the greatest discovery of modern times—that every man can call upon this “Life Principle” at will, that it is as much the servant of his mind as was ever Aladdin’s fabled “genie-of-the-lamp” of old; that he has but to understand it and work in harmony with it to get from it anything he may need— health or happiness, riches or success.
This is the knowledge the Wise Men of the East left for us. This is the knowledge that is the Secret of the Ages. And this is the knowledge that can be yours now—

The Secret of the Ages
was originally published
                 in 1926,
and went on to sell over one million copies.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Book 5, Rosecrusians (Secret Doctrine).

The Secret Doctrine of The Rosicrucian's by Magus Incognito, Occult Press Chicago 1949.
The Brothers of the rosy cross, who are the founders, who is Christian Rosenkreuz, what are and were their aims and aspirations? What about the Freemasons?
Much of this book is devoted to the mystery of this subject and many questions, secrets of this organization are answered here.
Symbols and doctrines are covered in this work. It touches on the soul of the world, the universal flame of life,planes of consciousness, progress of the soul,the Aura and Auric colours, and concludes  with what it refers to as The Seven Cosmic Principles.
If you are looking to join the ancient order of the Rosicrucian's you will find to be confronted with disappointment and confusion. The truth is that there is no and never has been any occult order sanctioned by the real Rosicrucian's. The true Rosicrucian's have no formal organization  but are held together by a common interest in the occult and esoteric studies as well as acceptance of fundamental principles of belief and knowledge.
Some of the original teachings of the Rosicrucian's have been incorporated in some of the higher degrees of Masonry.
Much like Martin Luther almost 100 years later, a German Nobleman, Christian Rosenkreuz donned the robes of a monastic order and visited India, Persia, Arabia, and returned bringing with him a secret doctrine obtained from the sages and seers of these mysterious lands. He established the Brotherhood about 1425 but it was kept secret for almost 100 years. We must remember that the Catholic church and the popes were powerful in those days about four generations before the reformer Luther arrived on the scene.
Rosenkreuz translated from German is Rose-Cross..the symbol which is often associated with this occult organisation sometimes represented with a sword and rose, cross and rose respectively.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

William Walter Atkinson, book 6 author

William Walker Atkinson (December 5, 1862 – November 22, 1932) was an attorney, merchant, publisher, and author, as well as an American pioneer of the New Thought movement. He is also known to have been the author of a large body of pseudonymous works, including, among others, numerous books and other works attributed to the authors Theron Q. Dumont and Yogi Ramacharaka.
William Walker Atkinson
Atkinson wrote more than 100 books in the last 30 years of his life, and his works have remained substantially in print continuously since 1900. He is regarded as one of the true greats of the New Thought movement. Due to his intense personal secrecy, coupled with his extensive use of pseudonyms, however, Atkinson has largely been forgotten in modern day, despite having obtained mention in past editions of Who’s Who in America, Religious Leaders of America, and several similar publications.
Atkinson pursued a business career from 1882 onwards and in 1894 he was admitted as an attorney to the Bar of Pennsylvania. While he gained much material success in his profession as a lawyer, the stress and over-strain eventually took its toll, and during this time he experienced a complete physical and mental breakdown, and financial disaster. He looked for healing and in the late 1880s he found it with New Thought and later attributed to the application of the principles of New Thought his health, mental vigor and material prosperity.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Taken from the secret files;a forum contributor writes:-

I have just gotten the Secret Society invitation and 5 stories booklet in the mail after I replied. I think the secret message is that you must create and hold an image in your mind visually (which uses the right side of your brain) that you are special and deserving of all the riches, fame, love, etc that life has to offer. This visual image is white magic which inclines people and even things to help you in your life's endeavors. And so subconsciously the rich and powerfull Illuminiti types in the Secret Society are using this "I am special" thought and image to gain many advantages over the left brained operating people.

Most all celebrities use this same "I am Special" thought or thinking to gain a following, fame, and money. And so whatever your aspirations in life using this right brain image of specialness for yourself can attract people and circumstances to you for your benefit and enhance any natural abilities or desires you have to accomplish. This is also the technique of creative visualization.

The great sorrow is that the Secret Secret Society uses this knowledge to gain material gains and sells this message for profit. Rather it is better for the Illuminiti to give all people the message that they are special and need to use their right brain to contemplate and visualize what they wish to achieve in life. This is the way of the future not the pyramid shaped societies of today of the rich and famous at the top and the masses of other peoples at the bottom.-- J.E. Ante
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Friday, February 10, 2012

Secrets of the Alchemists, book 4

To make gold...appears to have been the number one goal of the efforts of this secret society. An interesting and very colourful publication by Time-Life was published under the title Secrets of the Alchemists; a book of the series Mysteries of the Unknown. An interesting beautifully illustrated Time-Life effort, well worth reading and enjoying.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


...its a song going through my head, guess its because I have a few secret post postings in mind I'm working on several wonderful books and will comment, see 1,2,3,4,5 and 6, books:-
  1. Yoga, the secret path; Paul Brunton 1934, also
  2. The hidden Power beyond Yoga
  3. The Celestine Prophecy; secrets changing the world;1995  J. Redfield
  4. Secrets of the Alchemists; a TIME-Life book
  5. The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucian's, 1949 Occult Press
  6. Mind-Power, The Secret of Mental Magic,  W.W.Atkinson; 1912
...well, that's a start, I will elaborate, my comments on these books: